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8 January 2013

Welcome to MatrixMen South Africa

If you Are struggling to cope 
Call Us on 081 430 4445

Why MatrixMen
MatrixMen is a group of male survivors of sexual abuse and sexual assault.  It was started by a survivor of sexual abuse, to help men recover from their painful pasts.  When our  founder started his healing, there was absolutely no help for male survivors in South Africa, he Eventually found one therapist in Cape Town that specializes in Sexually abused Men, but it was a bit far to travel from Johannesburg.  So it became a passion of his, to let no man endure what he had had to endure alone.

The effects of sexual abuse and sexual assault on a man's psyche are vast and varied, and  it is only through good therapy and group sessions that a survivor can attain real healing.  It has been proven that the Group dynamic with peers, coupled with a therapist that understands CSA, is the best form of treatment.

Due to social pressures, and the Myths that surround Sexually abused men, Men are reluctant and embarrassed to seek help.  There are men that have been in therapy for years and have still never told their therapists that they were abused.  This shows you the deep level of shame attached to being a survivor of Sexual Abuse

The effects of abuse on Men 
Most men don't realize the impact that abuse has on their lives, and it is only through discussing it with other survivors that they begin to understand what the impact and effects are on their lives.
One of our members said it this way "At least when I talk with you guys, I realize that I am sane"
When a survivor talks to others that were abused, and have suffered through the same pains as you have, then he begins to see that he is normal, that his life is not confusing and scary, and above all that he is not alone.  The feeling of being the only one is probably one of the most debilitating of all.

Some of the common Effects of abuse
A lot of survivors suffer from one or more of the following

  • Alcoholism
  • Drug addiction
  • Sex Addiction
  • Porn Addiction
  • Sexual identity issues (Sexual Confusion)
  • Overeating (Obesity)
  • Bi Polar
  • P.T.S.D. (Post traumatic stress disorders)
  • Multiple personality disorders
  • Self mutilation (Cutting)
  • Low self esteem
  • Suicidal tendencies and thoughts.
  • Depression
These are a few of the issues experienced by survivors, but by no means all of the issues.  Certain early onset  heart problems have been attributed to CSA (Childhood sexual abuse).

Truth is that there are so many things that CSA impacts in a survivors life, let alone those men that are married and have children.

Read through the pages on this blog and see if any of this is similar to what you are experiencing in your life.

Don't let this stop you from seeking healing, believe us, there is nothing that you have been through that we haven't heard before, so don't let your fears stand in the way of your healing and future happiness.

Other helpful pages on this blog


Perpetually Healing said...

Love this one. Talking with other survivors has been crucial in my recovery.


Unknown said...

Sexual abuse is really traumatic. My friend was also a victim of it and it took him many years to recover. These rapists should be punished accordingly by speaking up instead of keeping to yourself. You have done an amazing job by forming a group. Keep it up. personal injury attorney medford oregon

Anonymous said...

Agree the perpertrators must be punished named and shamed. The victims carry the shame.