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Other Helpful Resources 02 Jan 2013

 Male Survivor
 This is an interactive site and the leader in helping Male Survivors.

This is an excellent local resource for male Survivors started by a fellow survivor.

Next Step
Next step is the Web site of Mike Lew, one of the leaders in the field of the treatment of Male Survivors.

JHB Child Advocacy forum.
The Child Advocacy Forum helps Children that are being abused with counceling and support.
Luke is an advisor and supporter of Matrix Men, and his passion is to help Children

Recovery Nation
Recovery nation is a page that will help the Partners of survivors, it has a lot of self help tips and worksheets and advice that the partners can use to help themselves recover.

For the Partners
This link will take you to a PDF booklet that will give you valuable information about supporting your partner.

Survivor Brochure to print out and hand to a friend
Please click onto this link and select the download original option. You will then be able to print out the document and hand it to someone that has told you that they have been abused, or someone you suspect of having been abused.

When men have been abused as children
When Men have been abused as children is a brochure that helps men understand the problem.  Log on and download this useful resource

Canadian Health department
It seems that Canada is ahead of its time, or tha tit is so cold there that people think of useful things to post on the Government site.
Nevertheless, there is a lot of useful information on this site, some of the links above are of this site.

 This is a study on the long term effects of Porn addiction.

For those that are self Mutilating.
If you are a Survivor and are cutting or self mutilating, then read this story and it may help you to deal with the problem

Defending his light
This is a blog by one of the Survivor Partners, Follow her story and day to day struggles and learn from her experiences. Add a comment and support one another.


Anonymous said...


Thanks for comments on my site, AMSOSA, all written by me over the years and more to come too

MatrixMen said...

Hi Steve.
I could not but mention you, the work and effort you put in are tremendous.
Keep it up, and I will of course always support you.